The Great Western Loop: Blue Skies and Family
With the rain continuing off and on through out the night, we were not certain that we’d be able to do much of the trail I had planned for the day and we were still a little low on gas. with those things in mind we decided not to try and force the trail run in. Our time would be much better spent visiting family for an extra day.
We left the rain behind at the campsite and drove on to my Aunt Suzzie’s ranch under blue skies dotted with puffy white clouds. What a welcome change!

After several days of warm showers, good food and great conversations with family, it was time for us to hit the road again. This time heading west into Idaho.

The trek through Idaho was to be a quick one, with only a single stop planned to stay the night before moving into Oregon. That did not mean we could not stop and enjoy a little of what the state had to offer in the way of a river side picnic however.

Camp for the night would be a quite spot not too far from the main road and it made for a great place to get some photos of the kiddo.

And of course a photo of Pep-paw and some flowers were in order… not that the two go together!

With dinner cooking and the shadows growing longer, it was time to settle in for the night as the next day was going to be another long one.

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