The Great Western Loop: Trails and Creeks

The Great Western Loop: Trails and Creeks

The next part of our trip was a surpise for Kiefer. We were going to one of his Top 5 must visit National Parks: Great Basin National Park. With camp setup, we set about exploring what the park had to offer.

After so many days in the truck and all the rain, Kiefer was excited to do a little hiking in the sunshine.

Pep-paw decided to sit this hike out and it was a good thing he did as it turned into a pretty rough trail in spots.

Kiefer was hoping for a little more out of the Mill Creek, but at least the views along the trail were good and there were some interesting rocks along the way.

Back near the campsite we were able to have some real fun at the creek that flowed behind our site. The log bridge was a lot of fun until it decided that Kiefer should go for a little swim!

I was also able to take some decent photos of the cascades that ran behind the campsite.

This first day in the park was both fun and relaxing, but the big adventure would happen the next day.

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